Explore new waters and catch new species! Haven’t been fly-fishing? Try it. Never caught a shark? Do it. FishyAF is on a quest to have our brand photographed around the world with 1,000 SPECIES.


Take a photo of your catch wearing our gear on social media and tag @iamfishyaf or use the hashtag #FishyAFQuest. Once you have caught, photographed, and tagged 5 species on social media you reach the first level of our Ambassador Awards program.  You can DM us or fill out our awards submission form to claim the Level 1awards.   AWARD SUBMISSION 


We get hundreds of messages a week from anglers asking about sponsorships or free gear. We are a small family owned business and aren't able to do that.  We also don't believe you should want to represent a product you have never tried. However, we have found that our existing customers make the best Ambassadors, so we created a program to support and award them.


Ambassador (5) • Salty (10) • Explorer (25) • Savage (50) • Legend (100) • Coming Soon! Fearless (250)


  1. Our undying love for being a customer and helping us move our small family brand forward
  2. Ambassador Hat Pins for every level.  We will ship them out for you to rock on your hat or tackle bag.
  3. A personal Ambassador Discount - your discount increases as you move up the ladder
  4. A personal Angler Referral Code that gives a FishyAF discount to your fellow anglers and tracks back to you. Earn a $5 Reward for every qualifying new customer.*
  5. Instagram and Facebook shoutouts to 300,000 followers across our various pages (we run 11 fishing pages).
  6. Early Access to new products. We often sell out when launching new gear since we test in limited quantities.
  7. Our LEGEND Ambassadors will receive an exclusive award.
  8. Exclusive Ambassador giveaways and Automatic Entry into our raffles.


Save 15% on your first purchase and join the Quest by using Coupon Code: IAMFISHYAF




Coming soon! Exclusive reward pins for anglers who catch 3, 5 and 10 pound bass. Check back here for rules and submission instructions!



In development... Exclusive reward pins for anglers who catch top species in each region of the US. Check back here for details!


*By tagging FishyAF or sending us photos you give FishyAF and it’s employees consent to use your photos on social media or advertisements for personal and/or commercial use. Pins awarded while supplies last. Our FishyAF $5 Reward Cards are awarded quarterly by the second Saturday in the following quarter and are sent via email. A qualifying new customer is a FishyAF customer that spends a minimum of $10 with FishyAF and has never previously purchased from FishyAF. FishyAF $5 Reward Cards expire 3 months from date of issue. FishyAF reserves the right to deny awarding anyone for any reason with a hat pin, shoutout, reward card, or any other reward. This means if your pics are disrespectful of fish, you photoshop some bullshit, you are rude to fellow fisherman, you represent our brand negatively, I can smell something fishy through your pictures, or anything else we find annoying, we can choose not to reward you. Please keep in mind FishyAF is a small business and we do our best to please everyone, but we will have some growing pains. We also reserve the right to discontinue the program for any reason without notice.