Name: Matthew
IG: @fearless_outdoors
State: New Jersey
Ambassador Level: SAVAGE (50 Species)
How Long have you been fishing: 15 years
Favorite Species and why: Garibaldi Damselfish, they are like the goldfish of the sea.
What was your weirdest or most unexpected catch? A Red Bellied Piranha from a New Jersey Spillway. Likely dumped from a fishtank.
What’s your Bucket List Species: Any species that's not currently on my Lifelist. If I had to pick one, I'd say Sand Tiger Shark
Fishing Tip: Youtube is a great resource for beginners, or even for seasoned anglers to sharpen skills or learn a new one.
What do you like about FishyAF: The representation of the multispecies community, and an Ambassador program that actually works with you.